
Fermentation is one way to increase bioactive compounds in various food products. Kombucha is a beverage product from traditional fermentation which involves fermenting sugar dissolved in tea with symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). Kombucha is usually made from a tea solution and not many use spices to make kombucha. In this study, red galangal kombucha will be made. The method used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with a variation of fermentation time (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 10) days. Parameters to be analyzed are pH, total phenol, and antioxidant activity. The results obtained are that the length of fermentation affects pH, total phenolic and antioxidant activity of red galangal kombucha drink. The pH of the red galangal kombucha drink decreased along with the length of fermentation. The most optimal total phenolic and antioxidant activity obtained at 8 days of fermentation were 854.64±0.07 gGAE/ml and 89.75±0.06%.


  • Fermentation is one way to increase bioactive compounds in various food products

  • Kombucha is a beverage product from traditional fermentation which involves fermenting sugar dissolved in tea with symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY)

  • The results obtained are that the length of fermentation affects pH, total phenolic and antioxidant activity of red galangal kombucha drink

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Prosedur penelitian

Pembuatan minuman kombucha lengkuas merah dilakukan secara dua tahap yaitu pembuatan sari lengkuas merah dan pembuatan kombucha lengkuas merah. Pembuatan sari lengkuas merah dimulai dari pencucian lengkuas merah dari kotorannya, kemudian ditimbang sebanyak 200 gram. Selanjutnya, lengkuas merah diblender dengan perbandingan lengkuas merah : air sebanyak 1 : 2. Hasil pemblenderan disaring dengan menggunakan kain saring sehingga didapatkan sari lengkuas merah. Pembuatan kombucha lengkuas merah dengan merebus sari lengkuas merah pada suhu 85oC selama 12 menit. Setelah dingin sari lengkuas merah dimasukkan dalam toples kaca dan ditambahkan gula 10%. Dilakukan penambahan starter kombucha dan diinkubasi pada suhu 29-30oC. Penyimpanan dilakukan di tempat yang minim cahaya dengan variasi lama fermentasi (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 dan 10) hari. Pada setiap sampel dilakukan analisis pH, antioksidan, total fenol dan total flavonoid

Rancangan percobaan
Analisis pH
Total fenolik dan aktivitas antioksidan
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