
There are many ways in an effort to product selection according to the requirement. One of them is to seek information contained on product attributes. Product attributes into the elements considered important by consumers and the basis in making a buying decision. Through product attributes that consumers can obtain answers to whether the products to be purchased are in accordance with the needs and desires so as to achieve satisfaction in physical and spiritual makeover. Attributes are intended to serve as a medium of information consumers to gain confidence in the product is a physically and mentally is a halal label. The object of the research is the Consumer Wardah among sharia student at the Islamic University of Bandung. This study uses a quantitative method because it aims to determine whether there is influence anatara halal labels on cosmetic products Wardah on purchasing decisions in the faculty of Sharia Islamic University of Bandung. Selection of respondents 80 people carried out by using accidental sampling. The data used in this research are primary data obtained through questionnaires, while secondary data obtained through library research. Methods of data analysis using simple regression data processing is done using Microsoft Excel and software SPSS22 2016. The results of this study show that student knowledge of the sharia faculty Bandung Islamic University on the halal label at the level agreed with a total score of 376 means that the halal label, that mahasisiwi Faculty of Sharia Islamic University of Bandung very knowing about the halal label on cosmetic products Wardah. Based on the coefficient of determination R² is known that the value of R Square of 0.415. This means that 41.5% of purchase decisions are made cosmetic products Wardah student of Faculty of Sharia, Islamic University of Bandung can be influenced by factors halal label. While the remaining 58.5% is influenced by other factors not included in this study, such as cultural, social, individual, and psychology (a record 58.5%, obtained from 100% -41.5%). Effect of halal label simultaneously affect 0,000. While the value of the t test, tcount the halal label variable is equal to 7442 with a significance level of 0.000. If thitung> t table then Ho is rejected and if thitung 1.990 and 0.000 <0.5, then Ho is rejected Ha accepted means more inclusion halal label on a product will

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