
The purpose of this study was to obtain findings regarding the implementation of the website, the decision to stay and the effect of website quality on stay decisions. The object of this research is the guests who stay in Banyan Tree Bintan. Banyan Tree Bintan is a 5- star hotel located in the Riau Islands, to be exact, on the island of Bintan, in a protected forest area that offers a luxurious lifestyle amidst nature. The type of research is descriptive and verification, and the method used in this research is quantitative with statement in the questionnaire form to guests by taking a sample of 400 guests randomly. The results of the questionnaire will be processed using SPSS 24 by testing validation, reliability, normality and simple linear regression. The hypothesis of this study “there is an effect of website quality on the decision to stay at Banyan Tree Bintan” The result is: a constant value (a) 12.479 which indicates the quality of the website plays an active role in improving the decision to stay at Banyan Tree Bintan. The regression coefficient (b) value obtained for the decision to stay is the quality of the website (0.828) descriptively, the value of the website quality variable has a positive influence on the decision to stay, this is because the regression coefficient of the website quality variable is positive, meaning that if there is an increase in the website quality score by 1 unit In the condition that the other variable scores are the same or constant, this will be followed by an increase in the quality of the website (0.828) by the unit. At the end of the research, the author suggests that Banyan Tree Bintan continues to improve the quality of the website so that guests get more satisfaction while surfing the Banyan Tree Bintan website.

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