
More and more manufacturers are involved in meeting the needs and desires of customers, causing each company to set orientation to customer satisfaction as the main goal. There is a tendency that customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction can be influenced by the quality of services provided by the company. This research was conducted at the Timor Megah Hotel Kota SoE, TTS Regency. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of service quality that can be measured by several dimensions, including: tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, and empathy on customer satisfaction Timor Megah Hotel. The independent variable (X) of this study is the dimension of service quality consisting of tangibles (X1), responsiveness (X2), reliability (X3), assurance (X4), and empathy (X5). While the dependent variable (Y) of this study is customer satisfaction. The sampling technique used is the Accidental Sampling technique, with a total sample of 99 people with the criteria of having stayed more than twice and staying period for 4 years (2015-2018). Data collection techniques used were interviews, questionnaires and literature study. After the data is collected, the data is then analyzed using descriptive techniques and multiple linear regression. From the analysis it is known that tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy simultaneously and partially have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. From the results of the analysis can also be made mathematical equations: Y = 3,568 + 0,150X1 + 0,245X2 + 0,209X3 + 0,192X4 + 0,362X5. The coefficient of determination obtained shows that 87.2% of the level of customer satisfaction is influenced by tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy. 
 Keywords: Tangibles, Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance, Empathy and Customer Satisfaction.


  • Industri pariwisata digunakan oleh beberapa negara sebagai industri yang bisa diandalkan

  • more manufacturers are involved in meeting the needs and desires of customers

  • There is a tendency that customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction can be influenced by the quality

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KAJUAN PUSTAKA Pemasaran Dan Konsep Pemasaran

Pemasaran merupakan suatu proses mempersepsikan, memahami, menstimulasi dan memenuhi kebutuhan pasar sasaran yang dipilih secara khusus dengan menyalurkan sumber-sumber sebuah organisasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut. Pemasaran Jasa Lupiyoadi dan Hamdani (2006:5) mengemukakan bahwa pemasaran jasa merupakan setiap tindakan yang ditawarkan oleh salah satu pihak kepada pihak lain yang secara prinsip intangible dan tidak menyebabkan perpindahan kepemilikan apapun. Jasa Perhotelan Sulastiyono (2006:5) mengemukakan bahwa hotel adalah suatu perusahaan yang dikelola oleh pemiliknya dengan menyediakan pelayanan makanan, minuman, dan fasilitas kamar untuk tidur kepada orang-orang yang sedang melakukan perjalanan dan mampu membayar dengan jumlah yang wajar sesuai dengan pelayanan yang diterima tanpa adanya perjanjian khusus. Jika jasa yang diterima atau dirasakan (perceived service) sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, maka kualitas layanan dipersepsikan baik dan memuaskan, dan jika jasa yang diterima melampaui harapan pelanggan, maka kualitas layanan dipersepsikan sangat baik dan berkualitas

Analisis Regresi Linear Berganda Uji Asumsi Klasik
Hasil Analisis Regresi berganda Variabel
Adjusted R
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