
The type of this research was a survey research with quantitative approach aimed at revealing (i) the effect of brand community on customer loyalty at the community of Karimun Club Makassar, (ii) the effect of brand equity on customer loyalty at the community of Karimun Club Makassar, and (iii) the effect of brand community and brand equity on customer loyalty at the community of Karimun Club Makassar. The population of this research the members of Karimun Club Community of Makassar amounted to 216 people. The sample was 68 people drawn by Slovin formulation. The data were collected by distributing questionnaires and analyzed by multiple regression. The research result indicated that (i) brand community has no effect on customer loyalty at Karimun Club Community of Makassar as proved by the P-value 0.3082 > 0.05 and the regression coefficient value -0.1194, (ii) brand equity has positive effect on customer loyalty at Karimun Club Community of Makassar, as proved by P-value 5.591e-09 > 0.05 and the regression coefficient has positive value 0.7071, (iii) brand community and brand equity have simultaneously effect on customer loyalty, as proved by the statistic value of F-test 22.683 with the significant 0.000, (iv) the value of R2 in this research is 0.3929. it indicates that customer loyalty is affected by both brand community and brand equity amounted to 39%, meanwhile the rest 61% are affected by other unobserved factors.


  • PENDAHULUAN Dewasa ini makin banyak bermunculan komunitas konsumen, terutama komunitas yang terkait dengan merek suatu produk tertentu

  • The population of this research the members of Karimun Club Community of Makassar amounted to 216 people

  • The research result indicated that (i) brand community has no effect on customer loyalty at Karimun Club Community of Makassar as proved by the P-value 0.3082 > 0.05 and the regression coefficient value -0.1194, (ii) brand equity has positive effect on customer loyalty at Karimun Club Community of Makassar, as proved by P-value 5.591e-09 > 0.05 and the regression coefficient has positive value 0.7071, (iii) brand community and brand equity have simultaneously effect on customer loyalty, as proved by the statistic value of F-test 22.683 with the significant 0.000, (iv) the value of R2 in this research is 0.3929. it indicates that customer loyalty is affected by both brand community and brand equity amounted to 39%, the rest 61% are affected by other unobserved factors

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Ada beberapa elemen penting dalam menciptakan brand equity di antaranya

Tetapi hal seperti tidak akan terjadi pada konsumen yang telah bergabung dengan komunitas merek. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada komunitas Karimun Club Makassar di Makassar dengan waktu penelitian Agustus – September 2018. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah anggota yang telah menjadi anggota komunitas Karimun Club Makassar di Makassar sebanyak 216 anggota. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan rumus Slovin dimana populasi semua populasi dijadikan sampel. Sehingga rasa loyal terhadap suatu merek dapat dipertahankan dari adanya komunitas merek tersebut, dalam hal ini adalah komunitas Karimun Club Makassar di Makassar. METODE Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survey. Informasi yang dikumpulkan dari responden dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuesioner, observasi dan wawancara. 100 | Bongaya Journal of Research in Management Vol 2 No 2 Oktober 2019 mengetahui pendapat responden di samping itu juga menggunakan wawancara

Tinggi Sedang
Analisis Deskriptif
Tabel di atas menunjukkan bawa mayoritas responden yang menjadi anggota
Deskriptif Kategori Variabel
Hasil analisis deskriptif pada variabel komunitas merek diperoleh nilai minimum
Kategorisasi untuk variabel komunitas merek
Merek multikolineritas
Merek signifikan
Karimun Club Makassar
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