
Fertilizer can be used as a tool enchane plant growth and soil fertility, because by applying fertilizer it can supply nutrient in the soil so that plant growth is optimal. The type of fertilizer used is organic fertilizer (rice hust charcoal) and anrganic (urea) which acts as an increase in plant growth and devolopment and increase soil fertility. This study aims to obtain the effect of the composition of the application frequency of the mixture of urea and hust charcoal on the growth of cacao seeds, get the best effect of the composition of the urea fertilizer and husk charcoal on the growth of cacao seedling and get an interaction between the composition of the application frequency of urea and husk charcoal on the growth cacao seed. This research was carried out in the practice garden of the devolopment of plantation plant cultivation and Lampung State analysis laboratory. The study was conducted from January to May 2019. The study was arranged in a factorial block design (RBD) with 2 factor, the first factor composition fertilizer and second factor application frequency of urea and rice husk charcoal. The research showed there was on effect of the best composition of the mixture of urea dan husk charcoal on the growth of cacao seedling in the (1:2) with application frequency 2 time, and there was an interaction between the composition of the application frequency of urea and husk charcoal on the growth of cacao seedling in all observed variables except for abserving stem diameter, N plant tissue and plant sttover dry weight.


  • Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) merupakan tanaman perkebunan yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi dan menempati urutan ketiga setelah kelapa sawit dan karet pada sub sektor perkebunan (Panjaitan dan Idwar, 2015)

  • This study aims to obtain the effect of the composition of the application frequency of the mixture of urea and hust charcoal on the growth of cacao seeds, get the best effect of the composition of the urea fertilizer and husk charcoal on the growth of cacao seedling and get an interaction between the composition of the application frequency of urea and husk charcoal on the growth cacao seed

  • Respon Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) terhadap Pemberian Abu Boiler dan Pupuk Urea pada Media Pembibitan

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Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di kebun praktik, Jurusan Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan, Politeknik Negeri Lampung. Bahan yang digunakan adalah tanah topsoil, bibit kakao lokal, pupuk urea, pupuk SP., pupuk KCl, Arang sekam, fungisida, air dan pasir. Pengaruh Komposisi dan Frekuensi Aplikasi Urea dengan Arang Sekam Padi (Sari, dkk) adalah cangkul, ember, mistar, jangka sorong, paranet, gembor, timbangan, penggaris, bambu, tali plastik, polibag 20cm x 30cm, ayakan, shading net, oven, gembor, ajir.Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial, yang terdiri atas dua faktor perlakuan dan setiap komposisi perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Faktor pertama adalah Frekuensi aplikasi yang terdiri atas 2 taraf: F1 : 1 kali aplikasi. Faktor kedua adalah komposisi Urea dan arang sekam yang terdiri dari 4 taraf. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap dua minggu sekali dan akhir minggu penanaman (umur tanaman 5 bulan). Variabel yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, luas daun, bobot kering brangkasan, serta kandungan N jaringan

Pengaruh mandiri
Komposisi urea dangan arang sekam padi
Frekuensi aplikasi
Komposisi urea dan arang sekam padi
Arang Sekam untuk Memperbaiki
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