
The study was conducted in Keputran village, Tanggamus District, Lampung Province. The aim of this study to find out a proper combination of NPK fertilizer and chicken manure for the vegetable crops, especially chinese mustard (Brassica campetris Var. Chinensis L.) in order to increase the production. A randomized complete block design was used in this experiment with ten treatments and three replications. The result showed that the application of chicken manure with the dosage of less than 5 Mg ha-1 was combined with NPK fertilizer did not effective to affect the increasing of growth and production of chinese mustard. Meanwhile application of chicken manure more than 5 Mg ha-1 was combined with NPK fertilizer significantly affected the growth, production of chinese mustard and soil properties i.e. C-total, total-N, P available, exchangeable K, and humic and fulvic acid. The application of chicken manure effective to reduce NPK fertilizer need. The best yield was found in using 50% of NPK fertilizer to dosage recommendation and 50% application of chicken manure to dosage 20 Mg ha-1.


  • The Effect of NPK Fertilizer and Chicken Manure on Soil Properties, Growth and Production of Chinese Mustrad (Sarno): The study was conducted in Keputran village, Tanggamus District, Lampung Province

  • The best yield was found in using 50% of NPK fertilizer and 50% of chicken manure (10 Mg ha-1)

  • The results showed that the application of chicken manure with the dosage of less than 5 Mg ha-1 combined with NPK fertilizer did not effective to affect the increasing of growth and production of chinese mustard

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Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pekon Keputran, Kecamatan Sukohardjo, Kabupaten Tanggamus pada bulan Mei hingga Agustus 2007. Hasil analisis tanah sebelum percobaan dan analisis pupuk kandang ayam yang digunakan dalam percobaan ini disajikan pada Tabel 1. Hasil analisis tanah sebelum percobaan dan sifat pupuk kandang ayam. Dosis NPK pada perlakuan P (100% NPK) adalah : 90 kg N ha-1, 36 kg P2O5 ha-1, dan 50 kg K2O ha-1 masing-masing diberikan dalam bentuk urea, SP36 dan KCl. Pupuk kandang yang digunakan adalah kotoran ayam. Pupuk kandang diberikan sehari sebelum tanam sesuai dengan dosis perlakuan. Penanaman menggunakan bibit caisim yang berumur 3 minggu dipesemaian dilakukan dengan jarak tanam 20 x 20 cm, satu tanaman per lubang. Penyiangan dilakukan satu kali bersamaan dengan pemberian pupuk susulan, yaitu dua minggu setelah tanam. Setelah panen pada masing-masing petak percobaan dilakukan pengambilan contoh tanah 3 titik per petak lalu dikompositkan. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji aditifitas data dengan Uji Tukey dan uji homogenitas data dengan Uji Bartlett, setelah itu dilakukan sidik ragam dan untuk nilai tengah perlakuan dilanjutkan dengan Uji BNJ pada taraf 5% dan 1%

Sifat Tanah Percobaan dan Pupuk Kandang
Komponen Pertumbuhan dan Produksi
Pupuk Kandang
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