
This research was carried out from February to April 2022, in the yard of NaikotenSatu Output, Kupang City, with the aim of knowing the combination of the composition ofsoil planting media, husk charcoal, and cow dung on the growth and yield of mustard plants.This research was designed with a completely randomized design (CRD). The treatmentbeing tested was kobasi the composition of soil planting media material, husk charcoal, andcow dung manure which consisted of 6 treatments. P0 = Soil (100%), P1 = Soil with ricehusk charcoal (2:1), P2 = Soil with cow manure (2:1), P3 = Soil with rice husk charcoal(1:1), P4 = Soil with cow dung manure (1:1), P5 = Soil with husk charcoal and cow dungmanure (1:1:1). Each treatment was carried out in four (4) replications. Observationalvariable data (height, number of mustard leaves, total plant fresh weight and net freshweight of mustard greens were analyzed using Variety Print Analysis, followed by DuncanMultiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% level. The results showed: 1). The combinationtreatment of soil media composition, husk charcoal, and cow manure had a significant andvery significant effect on the height and number of leaves of mustard plants at observations3 and 4 MSPT (1 WAP and 2 WAP), gross fresh weight, and net fresh weight, 2) . Thecombination treatment of soil media composition, husk charcoal, and cow manure ratio 1: 1:1 (P5) gave the best results on plant height, number of leaves, fresh gross weight, fresh netweight, each of which was 28.70 cm for height. plants, 10.50 leaves for the number ofleaves, 39.00 grams for fresh gross weight and 35.08 grams for fresh net weight of mustardgreens.

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