
The Tiga Dihaji Dam Project is located on the Selabung River, Sukabumi Village, Tiga Dihaji, South Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatra. In the implementation of this project, several detailed dam planning is needed to support the construction process. Problems that occurred after the determination of the RMK (Rencana Mutu Kerja) as a project implementation guide are (1.) There are no synchronization work between packages (road and bridge access, diversion tunnel), (2.)There are design changes (grouting gallery, specification of main dam embankment material) and (3.) The quarry and borrow land acquisition. These three problems result in the potential for extension time and additional costs significantly.This research aims to examine the steps and methods needed to agree on the necessary contract amendments to overcome problems from the aspect of cost, time and quality. Fishbone analysis method is needed to analyze problems and impacts and to simulate improvement efforts for initial and post-repair conditions. The earned value analysis method is used to estimate the additional costs and extension of the contract execution time.The results of this research indicate a simulation process for the necessary improvement efforts by considering suggestions from competent parties, the Dam Safety Commission, which requires a significant increase in costs and additional implementation time. If the issue of the covid-19 pandemic and refocusing of the budget are also taken into consideration, then overall it will cost around 60% of the original contract and an extension of time for 41 months (estimated to be completed in 2027). Based on the simulation, the proposal for contract amendment from the aspect of cost and time is in progress.

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