
ABSTRACT The study aims to test some viriables as work satisfaction, work unsatisfaction, and word of mouth through two dissent expression as dissent articulated and dissent displaced. The concept of satisfaction and unsatisfaction in product sector or service sector will influence word of mouth both the positive word mouth or the negative word mouth. In service sector especially in educational service parents trust not only shown only from the facility and the curriculum but also from the realiability of the educator. The turn over of the employee is not correlation with the employee unsatisfaction. The trust value of the school is obtained from the observation of the outside praties toward the high employee turn over having a significant effect against word of mouth of the school. On the other side to maintain the employee, as an important resource for the school is needed a seriousness of the management in managing the emotions and a feeling of employees acquired from satisfaction or unsatisfaction against the school. The value of the trust of the school, the culture, and employee relationship between employee and the school wil influence word of mouth of the employee. The hyphotesis testing used Structural Equation Model. The variables of articulated dissent and displaced dissent were used as connection variables. Hyphotesis testing reinforced the concept of work satisfaction with articulated dissent and displaced dissent, and the influence of the work satisfaction, negative word of mouth, and the work of unsatisfaction toward articulated dissent and displaced dissent. The school management is expected to provide a forum for the educators to speak up their disapproval to prevent the negative word of mouth. The school needs to pay attention to the educators that never express or argue against the school policy with a right approach to push them to speak so they don’t argue to the uninterested parties. The research result also explain that many educators performed articulated dissent and displaced dissent although they conducting displaced dissent aren’t proved unsatisfactionally. The school needs to anticipate to prevent the educators performed displaced dissent, because it can be potentially against word of mouth.

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