
During 1998-2003 fisheries production tends to decrease for Muncar, Banyuwangi, East Java. Growing number of fishing gears (especially the set fishing gear like the bambbo platform lift net) in the Pang Pang bay even though its presence is not allowed, this is might be the caused of the decreased fisheries production. As for the bamboo platform lift net itself has many factors that affect the catch effort productivity. Some of them were examined in this study which are the density (unit/ha), water depth (m) and time of hauling (min). From this study, we expected to know how far the influence of each factors as well as the mathematical models of it. This study results shows that the density of the bamboo platform lift net greatly affect the fishing gear productivity, that the higher the density number will lead to further decline in the fishing gear productivity. The water depth also has an effect, in which the deeper the waters of the fishing gear, the more catch result get. The other factors such as the time dummy and hauling time influence less on the catch. The optimum density number is < 5unit/ha, as the optimum water depth is ? 26,2 m.


  • During 1998-2003 fisheries production tends to decrease for Muncar, Banyuwangi, East Java

  • Growing number of fishing gears in the Pang Pang bay even though its presence is not allowed, this is might be the caused of the decreased fisheries production

  • Some of them were examined in this study which are the density, water depth (m) and time of hauling

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Sebagai Negara kepulauan (archipelagic state) yang besar, Indonesia memiliki wilayah teritorial perairan laut seluas 3,1 juta km. Selat Bali merupakan perairan berbentuk corong yang subur, perikanan hampir bersifat mono-spesies dan monogear, hasil tangkap utama ikan lemuru, alat tangkap purse seine, industri pengolahan sudah sangat berkembang, dan tingkat eksploitasi cenderung over-fishing. Selama kurun waktu kurang lebih dua tahun terakhir di Muncar, produksi hasil tangkap untuk alat tangkap bagan tancap semakin menurun (istilah lokal oleh nelayan setempat disebut dengan “laib”) seiring dengan semakin bertambah banyaknya jumlah unit alat tangkap bagan tancap yang beroperasi terutama di perairan dalam Teluk Pang Pang, Muncar dimana kepadatan alat tangkapnya semakin tinggi.

Lokasi Penelitian
Metode Penelitian
Model matematis fungsi produksi
Hasil Tangkapan
Analisis Hubungan Input-Output
Dummy waktu 2 Kedalaman 3 Kedalaman2 4 Kepadatan 5 Kepadatan2 6 Lama hauling
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