
AbstractThis study aims to determine (1) the description of students' initial abilities, online learning and learning outcomes of class VII students at SMP Negeri 2 Jambi City. (2) The influence of students' initial abilities and learning outcomes of class VII students at SMP Negeri 2 Jambi City. (3) The influence of online learning and student learning outcomes of class VII at SMP Negeri 2 Jambi City. (4) The influence of students' initial abilities and online learning on student learning outcomes at SMP Negeri 2 Jambi City. This research design uses quantitative research methods, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Where the population of this research is 222 students with a sample of 143 students. The data processing techniques in this study are Instrument Validity Test, Reliability Test, Quantitative Descriptive Analysis, Normality Test, Homogeneity Test, Multicollinearity Test, Heteroscedasticity Test, Simple Regression Test, Multiple Regression Test. The results showed that (1) the initial ability of students to obtain a TCR score of 80.95% with a good category. Meanwhile, the TCR value of online learning obtained a score of 80.25% in the good category. (2) There is an effect of students' initial ability on student learning outcomes of 2,546 with a significant value of 0.12. (3) There is an effect of online learning on student learning outcomes of 2,546 with a significant value of 0.15. (4) There is an effect of X1 and X2 on Y with a Ftable value of 4.523 with a significance of 0.12. Thus, the initial ability describes the readiness of students to accept the lessons that will be delivered by the teacher, and online learning is quite influential on the learning activities carried out between students and teachers. So even in the process of changing learning activities from offline to online, it still affects the learning activities of students even though it can determine the success of students in learning.Keywords: Initial Ability, Online Learning, Learning Outcomes

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