
The aim of this research is to determine the effective depth in fishing activities and to determine the number and type of fish caught using fish traps. This research was carried out in the waters of Tanjung Luar Village, East Lombok Regency for 1 (one) month. This research used an experimental method with the experimental design used being a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), then continued with the Least Significant Difference (LSL) test at 5% and 1% levels. The factors observed in this study were 3 (three) different depths, namely depth A: 7 m, depth B: 9 m and depth C: 11 m. The results of research on the main parameters show that depth A (7 m) gets the most catches, namely 11.9 kg, then in second place is depth B (9 m) with a catch of 7.7 kg, and the lowest catch is depth C (11 m) as much as 4.3 kg. Water brightness ranged from 6.10 – 8.90 m, current speed ranged from 10 – 15 cm, salinity ranged from 27 – 29 ppt, temperature ranged from 29-30oC, the water at the research location was flat. -an average of 12.5 m and the bottom of the waters is sandy and slightly rocky. The results of the Variety Scan Analysis of the number of fish catches were 52.36, and the Ftable value at the 5% level was 4.26 while the Ftable value was 8.02. So there are real differences between each research treatment

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