
Justice is an important factor in improving employee performance. In its application, companies must apply good business ethics so that the relationship between justice and performance can increase. Several previous studies have discussed the relationship between fairness and performance, but still few have linked it to business ethics, especially Islamic business ethics. This study aims to determine This study aims to determine the effect of organizational justice on employee engagement moderated by Islamic work ethics at Ratu Samban University (UNRAS), Bengkulu. The sampling technique used in this study is the census method, which is taking the entire population as a sample of the study. Based on the number of population then the sample in this study amounted to 80 respondents. The research variables consist of independent variables namely distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice, the dependent variable is the Employee Engagement, and the moderation variable is the work ethic of Islam. Data analysis in this study using hirearki regression analysis. The results of this study prove that Distributive Justice has a significant positive effect on Employee Engagement, Procedural Justice has a significant positive effect on Employee Engagement, Interactional Justice has a significant positive effect on Employee Engagement, Islamic Work Ethics moderate the effect of Distributive Justice on Employee Engagement, Islamic Work Ethics moderate the effect of Procedural Justice on Employee Engagement and Islamic Work Ethics moderate the influence of Interactional Justice on Employee Engagement.


  • Justice is an important factor in improving employee performance

  • This study aims to determine This study aims to determine the effect of organizational justice on employee engagement moderated by Islamic work ethics at Ratu Samban University (UNRAS), Bengkulu

  • The results of this study prove that Distributive Justice has a significant positive effect on Employee Engagement, Procedural Justice has a significant positive effect on Employee Engagement, Interactional Justice has a significant positive effect on Employee Engagement, Islamic Work Ethics moderate the effect of Distributive Justice on Employee Engagement, Islamic Work Ethics moderate the effect of Procedural Justice on Employee Engagement and Islamic Work Ethics moderate the influence of Interactional Justice on Employee Engagement

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H3: Terdapat pengaruh positif keadilan prosedural terhadap employee engagement

H4: Etika kerja Islam memoderasi pengaruh keadilan distributif terhadap employee engagement. H5: Etika kerja Islam memoderasi pengaruh keadilan prosedural terhadap employee engagement. H6: Etika kerja Islam memoderasi pengaruh keadilan interaksional terhadap employee engagement. Sehingga pada penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling, yang di mana total sampling adalah teknik pengambilan sampel di mana jumlah sampel sama dengan populasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi hirarki, dengan bantuan program SPSS. Analisis regresi hirarki adalah teknik statistik yang digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari variabel moderasi (Islamic work ethics) terhadap hubungan antara variabel independen (distributive justice, procedural justice, dan interactional justice) dan variabel dependen (employee engagement) Ghozali (2006), Variabel yang akan memperkuat atau memperlemah hubungan antara variabel independen lainnya terhadap variabel dependen variabel. Berikut adalah langkahlangkah analisis dalam persamaan regresi hirarki yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini

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