
The purpose of this research are to know and analyze the influence of distributive justice compensation to employee engagement of PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia, knowing and analyzing the effect of procedural fairness of compensation on employee engagement of PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia, knowing and analyzing the influence of distributive justice compensation on the performance of employees of PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia, knowing and analyzing the effect of procedural fairness of compensation on employee performance of PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia, and know and analyze the influence of employee engagement on the performance of employees of PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia. This research are 93 permanent employees of PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia. Sampling technique using Purposive sampling is sampling method where the sample is taken based on certain criteria, which is only permanent employee of PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia numbering 93 people. Data analysis method using Linear Regression Model Structural Equation Model (SEM) AMOS in this research is used to know and analyze impact. The results of the analysis is identified most respondents assess Distributive Justice Compensation Employees known PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia, High (Mean 4.17). Identified most of the respondents judge Procedural Justice Compensation Employees remain PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia, High (Mean 3.98). Known most respondents rate Employee Engagement Employees Employees permanent PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia, Height (Mean 4.02). Known most respondents rate Employee Performance PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia, Height (Mean 4.08). The results of the analysis show that Distributive Justice Equity significantly affects Employee Engagement Employees PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia (value of probability t-count (0.000) <Level of Significant (0,05)), Procedural Justice Compensation has significant effect to Employee Engagement Employee PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia (value of probability t-count (0.000) <Level of Significant (0,05)), Distributive Justice Compensation has significant effect to Employee Performance of PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia (value probability t-count (0.040) <Level of Significant (0,05)), Justice Prosedural Compensation has a significant effect on Employee Performance Employees PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia (probability value t-count (0,000) <Level of Significant (0,05)). This can be interpreted, if the Justice Procedural Compensation increases, then Employee Performance Employees PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia has increased, Employee Engagement has a simultaneous influence on Employee Performance Employees PT. Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia (probability value t-count (0,000) <Level of Significant (0,05)).


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  • Studi Literatur Pengaruh Keadilan Distributif dan Keadilan Prosedural pada Konsekuensinya dengan Teknik Meta Analisis

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Dari kajian teoritikal di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa keadilan distributif adalah merupakan sebuah persepsi tentang nilai-nilai yang diterima oleh karyawan berdasarkan hasil/penerimaan suatu keadaan atau barang yang mampu mempengaruhi kesejahteraan karyawan. Mengacu pendapat Cropanzano et al, (2007) bahwa sebuah organisasi yang adil salah satunya adalah dicirikan dengan prosedur yang menjamin hal itu sebagai pernyataan, proses, peringatan, dan sebagainya. Keadilan prosedural melibatkan karakteristik formal sebuah sistem, dan salah satu indikator yang jelas dari keadilan prosedural adalah adanya beberapa mekanisme yang mengatur secara jelas bagi karyawan untuk mengatakan tentang sesuatu yang terjadi dalam pekerjaannya. David Guest, percaya hal ini sangat membantu untuk melihat employee engagement sebagai cara kerja yang dirancang untuk memastikan bahwa karyawan berkomitmen untuk tujuan dan nilainilai organisasi mereka, termotivasi untuk memberikan kontribusi bagi keberhasilan organisasi, dan pada saat yang sama agar mampu meningkatkan rasa kesejahteraan diri.

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