
This study aimed to determine the effect of psychographic characteristics toward the job achievment of poultrymen at medium scale broiler company in the Tempel District. The respondent was determined by judgement method. The number respondents were about 30 poultrymen whose at least 1 year experience to work. The measurement of psychographic characteristics consists motivation to achieve, perseption of work level and perception of salary based on Likert scale. The achievement of poultrymen were measured by the feed convertion ratio and the mortality of broilers kept by poultrymen. The analysis of psychographic characteristics influence toward job achievement was binomial logistic regression analysis. The results showed that poultrymen had high achievement motivation at 66.67%, middle motivation 30%, low motivation 3.33%. The poultrymen perception about job status, that were about 50% for high and 50% for low level. They also had perception about fair wages that is about 64% and 36 for unfair wages. The poultrymen job achievement were about 66.67% for high level and 33.33% for low level. There was significantly(P≤0,05) between psychographic characteristics with the job achievement of poultrymen. The conclusion of this research were the higher psychographic characteristics these consist of motivation to achieve, perception of work level and perception of salary tended to have of high achievement of poultrymen.

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