
This study aims to determine the effect of Job Characteristics and Physical Work Environment onOrganizational Commitment with work motivation as an intervening variable in the employee ofthe Gubernur Province NTB. The population in this study are civil servants, amounting to 500employees with a sampling technique that Proportionate Random Sampling totaled 83 civilservants. This type of research is associative causal research. Data collection tool was aquestionnaire containing questions about the variables Job Characteristics, Work EnvironmentPhysical, Organizational Commitment and work motivation. Data analysis was performed withPath Analysis Model Triming using SPSS. The analysis finds that the job characteristics andsignificant positive effect on organizational commitment. Job characteristics and significantpositive effect on work motivation. Physical work environment positive and significant effect onorganizational commitment. Physical work environment positive and significant effect on workmotivation. Work motivation positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. Jobcharacteristics and significant positive effect on organizational commitment through workmotivation. Physical work environment positive and significant effect on organizationalcommitment through motivation of employees working in the Office of Gubernur Province NTB.Keywords: Characteristic Employment, Physical Work Environment, Work Motivation andOrganizational Commitment.

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