
Hypertension is a state of increased blood pressure that will provide advanced symptoms for a target organ such as stroke (for brain), coronary heart disease (for heart blood vessels) and right ventricular hyper trophy / left ventricle hypertrophy (for the heart muscle). Hypertension treatment includes modern medicine (medicine) and traditional medicine. One of the traditional treatments is to consume starfruit juice. The purpose of this study was to look at the effect of star fruit juice on the reduction of blood pressure in patients with hypertension in Tanjung Paku Village, the working area of Tanjung Paku Kota Solok Health Center.This research was experimental by using the design of one group pretest and posttest. The population in this study were all hypertensive sufferers who had hypertension in the Tanjung Paku Subdistrict, amounting to 27 patients. Samples taken by using purposive sampling obtained a sample of 5 people. Retrieval of data to determine blood pressure using tension meters before giving star fruit juice and on day 3, which is 2 hours after administration of starfruit juice. Data analysis is done by T-test.The results of statistical tests with the T-test at pretest obtained a mean (mean) of 144 mmHg with a standardization of 5.48 and in the posttest the mean (mean) 132 mmHg with a standard mean of2.74. The T-test value was obtained significantly (2-tailed) by 0,000 (p <0.01).Suggestion for further research so that it can be an input and source of learning to develop the abilities that have been taught. Advice for people with hypertension can make starfruit juice for the treatment of hypertension. For other researchers to be able to develop this research by giving different treatments and with more samples to get more significant results. Keywords : star fruit juice, decrease in blood pressure, the elderly

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