
Mucuna bracteata is a type of Leguminosae Cover Crop (LCC) which is widely used in Indonesian plantations. The advantage of Mucuna bracteata is that it grows fast. Based on this, a study was conducted to see the rate of difference in the number of internodes planted which could accelerate the growth and development of Mucuna bracteata. The research was carried out in the practical garden area of ​​the Medan Agricultural College of Agribusiness (STIPAP). The research was conducted from May to June 2020. This study used a non-factorial randomized block design (RBD), which consisted of 1 treatment with 4 levels, namely R0 (1 rolled segment), R1 (2 rolled sections), R2 (3 rolled humps), R3 (4 rolled humps) and with 5 repetitions. The results showed that the treatment of R2, namely 3 bundles of rolled knuckles, gave the best effect on the parameter increase in tendril length, namely 89.66 cm, the increase in the number of tendrils, namely 6.38, the increase in the number of leaves, namely 12.50 strands, the increase in the number of segments, namely 11.32 pieces, and the measurement of the root volume, namely 13.00 ml. The treatment of the number of bunded knots had a significant effect on the parameters of tendril length, number of tendrils, number of leaves, number of internodes, and volume of roots.


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  • The results showed that the treatment of R2, namely 3 bundles of rolled knuckles, gave the best effect on the parameter increase in tendril length, namely 89.66 cm, the increase in the number of tendrils, namely 6.38, the increase in the number of leaves, namely 12.50 strands, the increase in the number of segments, namely 11.32 pieces, and the measurement of the root volume, namely 13.00 ml

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Mucuna bracteata

Sri Murti Tarigan1), Hardy Wijaya2), Dita Puti Suwanto3) 1,2,3) Budidaya Perkebunan, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Agrobisnis Perkebunan. Keunggulan Mucuna bracteata adalah pertumbuhan yang cepat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian untuk melihat laju perbedaan jumlah ruas yang ditanam yang dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Mucuna bracteata. Penelitian dilaksanakan di areal kebun praktikum Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Agrobisnis Perkebunan (STIPAP) Medan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan R2 yaitu 3 ikat ruas jari yang digulung memberikan pengaruh terbaik terhadap parameter pertambahan panjang sulur yaitu 89,66 cm, pertambahan jumlah sulur yaitu 6,38, pertambahan jumlah daun, yaitu 12,50 helai, pertambahan jumlah ruas yaitu 11,32 buah, dan pengukuran volume akar yaitu 13,00 ml. Perlakuan jumlah ikatan simpul berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter panjang sulur, jumlah sulur, jumlah daun, jumlah ruas, dan volume akar

PENDAHULUAN perbanyakan secara generatif umumnya
Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatannya di Perkebunan
Mucuna bracteata Sebagai Penutup
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