
Consumer loyalty are influenced by price, product and location factors. Companies must have competitive prices, have quality products and have a strategic location in other can be increased consumer loyalty. Price is the amount of money that has been agreed upon by prospective buyers and sellers to be exchanged for goods or services in a business transaction. Products are all things that can fulfill and satisfy human needs or desires, both tangible and intangible. Location is one of the initial activities that must be carried out before the company starts operating determining the right location will affect the company's ability to serve consumers. Consumer loyalty is a consumer's commitment to a product or service by making routine purchases more than twice. Prices that can be reached by consumers, products that are in accordance with their benefits and a location located in the city center will increase consumer loyalty. The purpose of this study was to determine or analyze the effect of price, product and location towards consumer loyalty at CV. Triple Delapan Group Medan. This research was conducted at CV. Triple Delapan Group Medan. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative research. The results showed that price, product and location had a positive and significant effect both partially and simultaneously towards consumer loyalty at CV. Triple Delapan Group Medan. The adjusted R square value of 90.7% indicates that the variable ability of price (X1), product (X2) and location (X3) affects consumer loyalty (Y) at CV. Triple Delapan Group Medan while the remaining 9.3% is the influence of other independent variables that are not explained or not examined by researchers in this study such as promotion, service quality or consumer purchase interest variables.


  • ABSTRAK Loyalitas konsumen dipengaruhi oleh faktor harga, produk dan lokasi

  • Consumer loyalty are influenced by price, product and location factors

  • Prices that can be reached by consumers, products that are in accordance with their benefits and a location located in the city center will increase consumer loyalty

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Menurut Kotler dan Armstrong (2018 : 279) menyatakan bahwa “Harga adalah sejumlah nilai yang ditukarkan konsumen untuk sejumlah manfaat dengan memiliki ataupun menggunakan suatu barang dan jasa”. Berdasarkan pendapat para ahli di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa harga merupakan jumlah uang yang telah disepakati oleh calon pembeli dan penjual untuk ditukar dengan barang atau jasa dalam transaksi bisnis. Produk Menurut Kotler dan Armstrong (2018 : 283) menyatakan bahwa “Produk adalah segala sesuatu yang ditawarkan kepada pasar untuk mendapat perhatian, dibeli, digunakan dan dapat memuaskan kebutuhan serta keinginan konsumen”. Menurut Amirullah (2016 : 208) menyatakan bahwa “Produk merupakan pemahaman subjektif dari produsen atas sesuatu yang bisa ditawarkan sebagai usaha untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi melalui pemenuhan kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen sesuai dengan kompetensi atau kapasitas organisasi serta daya beli pasar”. Dari beberapa pendapat para ahli di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa loyalitas konsumen merupakan komitmen konsumen terhadap barang ataupun jasa dengan melakukan pembelian yang rutin lebih dari dua kali. Menunjukkan bahwa kekebalan produk dari daya tarikan produk sejenis dari perusahaan pesaing

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