
<p>Teachers play an important role in the success of the performance of school / madrasah. Teacher performance reflects the professionalism of teachers in performing their duties to achieve educational goals. Teacher performance is influenced by several factors, both internal and external, leadership style headmaster and teacher motivation is an important variable among the other factors that can affect the performance of teachers. The problems of this study (1) the influence of leadership style headmaster on teacher performance, (2) whether there is influence motivation to work on teacher performance, (3) whether there is influence leadership style headmaster and motivation to work on teacher performance Madrasah Tsanawiyahin District Kaliwungu Kudus.<br />The study population as much as 241 teachersMadrasah Tsanawiyah in District Kaliwungu Kudus and sample of 150 teachers assigned by proportional random sampling. Methods of data collection using the questionnaire. Validity and reliability of the instrument, linear regression and multiple regression processed using SPSS for Windows Version 16. The results showed that (1) the leadership styles headmaster strong influrnce(69.3%) on teacher performance, (2) strong influence of teacher motivation (72.7%)on teacher performance, (3) the headmaster leadership style and motivation together a strong influence of 77.9% of the performance of teachers Madrasah Tsanwiyah in the district Kaliwungu Kudus.</p>


  • Kinerja guru erat hubungannya dengan kualitas guru, motivasi guru dan pola kepemimpinan kepala sekolah/madrasah yang mampu menciptakan iklim organisasi madrasah yang kondusif

  • Teacher performance reflects the professionalism of teachers in performing their duties to achieve educational goals

  • Teacher performance is influenced by several factors, both internal and external, leadership style headmaster and teacher motivation is an important variable among the other factors that can affect the performance of teachers

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PENANGGUNG JAWAB Kepala Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang

(Antropologi) Dr David Samiyono, MTS., MSLS (Antropologi Agama/UKSW) Dr Sulaiman, M.Ag. (UIN Walisongo/Lektur Keagamaan Islam) Dr Zakiyuddin Baidhawy (STAIN Salatiga/Pendidikan Agama). REDAKTUR PELAKSANA (MANAGING EDITOR) Joko Tri Haryanto, S.Ag., MSI. (Agama dan Masyarakat) Drs Mulyani Mudis Taruna, M.Pd. (Pendidikan Agama) Joko Tri Haryanto, S.Ag., MSI. (Agama dan Tradisi Keagamaan) Nurul Huda, S.Th.I. SEKRETARIS REDAKTUR (ASISTANT MANAGING EDITOR) Setyo Boedi Oetomo, S.Pd. Putri Aziza Desy Asriana, S.Hum. (Administrator) Muhammad Purbaya, S.Kom. (IT Support) Fathurozi, S.Sos.I. (Layouter)

Kinerja Guru
Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah
Motivasi Kerja
Kerangka Pikir Penelitian
Adjusted R
Pearson Correlation
Hasil regresi ganda
Square R Square
Tolerance VIF
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