
This study aims to provide empirical evidence regarding the effect of financial distress and leverage on the flexibility in cash flow classification in nonfinancial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2018. The flexibility in cash flow classification is where managers are allowed to classify interest paid, interest received, and dividend received into operating, investing, or financing cash flow activities. By using purposive sampling method, obtained research samples of 395 companies. In this study, the flexibility of cash flow classification measured by dummy method of utilizing the cash flow classification flexibility by manager. this reseach create a poxy for financial distress based on Altman's Z-score (Altmant and Hotchkiss, 2006), while leverage measured by debt to total assets ratio. Analysis technique used logistic regression analysis. The results showed that financial distress has no effect on flexibility in cash flow classification. Leverage has a positive and significant effect on flexibility in cash flow classification, which is firm with high leverage tend to take advantage cash flow classification flexibility to infale operating cash flow


  • This study aims to provide empirical evidence regarding the effect of financial distress and leverage on the flexibility in cash flow classification in nonfinancial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2018

  • The results showed that financial distress has no effect on flexibility in cash flow classification

  • Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah financial distress, leverage, ukuran perusahaan, dan profitabilitas mempengaruhi fleksibilitas klasifikasi arus kas

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Fleksibilitas Klasifikasi Arus Kas

METODE PENELITIAN Sampel dan Jenis Penelitian Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian kausatif, dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sumber dan Teknik Pengumpulan Data Jenis data yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah data dokumenter dan sekunder. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi dengan melihat laporan keuangan perusahaan sampel. Variabel Penelitian dan Pengukuran Variebel dependen penelitian ini adalah Fleksibilitas klasifikasi arus kas yang diukur dengan skala nominal (dummy). Variabel independen pada penelitian ini adalah financial distress dan leverage. Financial distress diukur menggunakan Altman's z-score dan leverage diukur menggunakan debt to total assets. Dari hasil perhitungan Altman's z-score, dapat ditentukan perusahaan mnegalami tekanan keuangan atau tidak dengan kriteria: >2,90 bebas dari tekanan keuangan, 1,23

Hosmer and Lemeshow Test
Nagelkerke R Square
Variables in the Equation
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