
The main issue of this study is how family structure influences on consumer behavior. In this study both family structure intact, disrupted family structure and family structure associated with the attitude of materialism and compulsive buying with family stressors and family resources as mediating variables and socioeconomic status as a moderating variable. The purpose of this study is (1) to determine differences in attitude of materialism and compulsive buying among teenagers who come from intact family with a disrupted family, (2) to measure the influence of family resources and family stressors on the attitude of materialism and compulsive buying in adolescents and (3) for measure the effect of family structure on family resources and family stressors when moderated by socioeconomic status variables. Samples of this study are adolescents aged 11-16 years who live in the city of Yogyakarta. Number of samples consisted of 97 teenagers who come from the intact family structure and 38 teenagers who come from disrupted family structure. The results showed that there were differences in the attitude of materialism and compulsive buying among teenagers who come from intact family with a disrupted family. Teenagers who come from disrupted family and compulsive tend to be more materialistic than adolescents from intact family. The study also found that family resources and family stressors shown to affect the materialism and compulsive buying in adolescents. Effect of family structure on family resources, moderated by socioeconomic status. While the influence of family structure on family stressors. Not moderated by socioeconomic status.


  • Keluarga adalah sebuah lembaga sosial penting dalam masyarakat yang merupakan kelompok sosial pertama dalam kehidupan manusia, tempat seseorang melakukan proses pembelajaran dan menyatakan diri sebagai manusia sosial di dalam hubungan interaksi dengan kelompoknya

  • The main issue of this study is how family structure influences on consumer behavior

  • The results showed that there were differences in the attitude of materialism and compulsive buying among teenagers who come from intact family with a disrupted family

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Pengertian Materialisme

Menurut Rich dan Dawson (1992) yang dimaksud dengan materialisme ialah sekumpulan keyakinan tetang pentingnya kepemilikan di dalam kehidupan seseorang. Keyakinan ini merupakan manifestasi dari tingkat dimana kepemilikan materi merupakan sumber utama dari kepuasan dan ketidakpuasan seseorang dalam hidupnya (Rindfleisch et al, 1997). Beberapa peneliti pemasaran melihat materialisme sebagai “sisi gelap” dari perilaku konsumen. Menurut Belk (1985) materialisme berhubungan erat dengan tiga dimensi yaitu: kepemilikan (possessiveness), ketidakdermawanan (nongenerosity) dan kecemburuan (invy). Sedangkan Richins dan Dawson (1997) menilai bahwa nilai – nilai material dihubungkan dengan kepercayaan diri yang rendah, ketidakpuasan dengan kehidupan, dan ketidakpuasan dengan penghasilan yang tinggi. Jadi materialisme merupakan keyakinan utama individu bahwa uang, kepemilikan, dan kekayaan dipertimbangkan sebagai sesuatu yang relatif tinggi dan menonjol dalam kehidupan seseorang dibandingkan dengan penerimaan diri, persahabatan serta rasa kemanusiaan

Pembelian Kompulsif
Struktur Keluarga dan Materialisme
Family Resources dan Family Stressors Hypothesis
Status Sosial Ekonomi sebagai Variabel Moderator
Family Structure
Compulsive Buying
Family Structure Social Economic Status Mean
Perbandingan antar Kategori
Mean SD
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