
Dermatophytes are fungi that can cause dermatophytosis, this fungus attacks the skin of the stratum corneum. This study aims to determine the effectiveness Spondias dulcis leaf extract on the growth of Trichophyton rubrum in vitro. This research uses Trichophyton rubrum and Spondias dulcis leaf extract. The treatment in this study was divided into 6 treatment groups, namely negative control, concentration of 20%, 40%, 80%, 100% and positive control, as well as 4 repetitions. After incubation for 5-7 days then observations were made and the results showed that Spondias dulcis leaf extract with various concentrations did not have different results, there was no effect on the growth of Trichophyton rubrum in vitro. Negative control used 10% DMSO solution which showed no effect on the growth of Trichophyton rubrum. On positive control using terbinafine antifungal drugs showed results that were very influential on the growth of Trichophyton rubrum. So it can be concluded that Spondias dulcis leaf extract has no influence on the growth of Trichophyton rubrum.


  • The Effect of Leaf Extract Kedondong (Spondias dulcis) On The Growth of Trichophyton rubrum In vitro

  • This study aims to determine the effectiveness Spondias dulcis leaf extract on the growth of Trichophyton rubrum in vitro

  • After incubation for 5-7 days observations were made and the results showed that Spondias dulcis leaf extract with various concentrations did not have different results, there was no effect on the growth of Trichophyton rubrum in vitro

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Givari Dwi Nirosa

Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Kedondong menggunakan obat antijamur terbinafin menunjukkan hasil yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan Trichophyton rubrum. Salah satu jamur yang termasuk dalam golongan dermatofita ialah jamur Trichophyton rubrum yang dapat menyebabkan dermatofitosis, khususnya pada bagian kulit, rambut dan kuku Taufiza et al (2017). Karena tanaman-tanaman di wilayah Indonesia memiliki banyak kandungan yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengobatan salah satu contohnya ialah daun kedondong (Spondias dulcis). Daun kedondong (Spondias dulcis) juga dapat berperan sebagai antifungi karena dengan adanya aktivitas senyawa antifungi seperti flavonoid, alkanoid, saponin dan tannin yang merupakan senyawa aktif golongan fenol pada ekstrak daun kedondong (Spondias dulcis) sehingga dengan adanya senyawa tersebut dapat menghambat pertumbuhan jamur Fitriani et al (2013). Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan metode eksperiment, dengan variable bebas konsentrasi ekstrak daun kedondong (Spondias dulcis) sebesar 20%, 40%, 80% dan 100%, variabel terikat adalah pertumbuhan jamur Trichophyton rubrum, variabel terkontrol ialah suhu dan waktu inkubasi. Diameter zona hambat yang diperoleh dengan cara mengurangi hasil pengukuran rata-rata diameter zona bening pada tiga sisi dengan hasil pengukuran kertas cakram yang berisi ekstrak daun kedondong (Spondias dulcis) Ningrum et al (2013)

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