
The study provided a systematic framework to examine the perceived effects of e-commerce platforms on economic benefits to predict continuous consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic. It used the use-and-gratification theory as the ba­sis for a conceptual model by adding the limited state of fear of the COVID-19 pan­demic as moderation. The study used the Partial Least Square method. A sample of 327 respondents who made transactions via e-commerce platforms was taken. Data were collected by using Google Forms. The results showed that online customers’ fear of the COVID-19 pandemic positively moderated the relationship between the effectiveness of e-commerce platforms and economic benefits. Secondly, online cus­tom­ers’ fear of the COVID-19 pandemic positively moderated the relationship bet­ween economic benefits and continuous consumption. Furthermore, the effectiveness of e-commerce platforms had a stronger effect on economic benefits when the fear of the COVID-19 pandemic was higher. This study found a moderating effect of fear of the COVID-19 pandemic on the relationship between the effectiveness of e-com­mer­ce platforms and economic benefits and continuous consumption. The higher the fe­ar of the COVID-19 pandemic, the higher the perceived economic benefits of online shopping were. Furthermore, the higher the fear of the COVID-19 pandemic, the higher the need to shop continuously online was.Penelitian ini memberikan kerangka sistematis untuk menguji dampak yang dirasakan dari platform e-commerce terhadap manfaat ekonomi dalam memprediksi konsumsi berke­lan­jutan pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori use and gratifi­ca­tion sebagai dasar model konseptual dengan menambahkan kondisi batas ketakutan pandemi COVID-19 sebagai moderasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Partial Least Square. Sam­­­pel yang digunakan adalah 327 responden yang bertransaksi melalui platform e-com­mer­ce. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunaan Google Form. Hasil penelitian me­nun­juk­kan: Pertama, ketakutan pandemi COVID-19 pelanggan online secara positif memoderasi hu­bungan antara efektivitas platform e-commerce dengan manfaat ekonomi. Kedua, ketakutan pelanggan online pada pandemi COVID-19 secara positif memoderasi hubungan antara man­faat ekonomi dengan konsumsi berkelanjutan. Ketiga, efektivitas platform e-commerce me­me­ngaruhi manfaat ekonomi lebih kuat ketika ketakutan pandemi COVID-19 lebih tinggi. Stu­di ini menemukan efek moderasi dari ketakutan pandemi COVID-19 pada hubungan an­tara efektivitas platform e-commerce dengan manfaat ekonomi, dan konsumsi berkelanjutan, artinya ketika semakin tinggi ketakutan karena pandemi COVID-19, maka manfaat ekonomi yang dirasakan dari belanja online juga semakin tinggi begitu pula ketika ketakutan pandemi COVID-19 semakin tinggi, maka untuk berbelanja secara berkelanjutan melalui online juga semakin tinggi.

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