
 Advertising is one of marketing communication tool that many company used. Advertising is a tool for a company to provide information, to persuade and remind consumers to product which company’s owned. Advertising placed in many media that easy to see for consumers. Advertising media that usually used are printed advertising and digital advertising. In this new media, a lot of company rely on digital advertising. Utilized the rank of internet user (especially in West Java), there are so many that used digital advertising for promote their product, one pf them is Ramayana. This is the most watched advertising than other Ramayana’s advertising with humor appeal. This advertising has 16 M viewers in Youtube per August 2018. So, researcher wants to know how much the influence of effectiveness of advertising with humor appeal towards the brand image with study in Ramayana Advertise #KerenLahirBatin Menyambut Lebaran version on Youtube. In this research h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted, because tcount > ttable (15.486 > 1.660) that means the effectiveness of the advertising with humor appeal influence the brand image.

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