
The purpose of this study are 1) knowing the application of the work discipline of teachers in SDN 02 Sawangan Depok, 2) knowing the application of student learning discipline in SDN 02 Sawangan Depok, and 3) knowing the effect of the teacher's work discipline on the learning discipline of fourth grade students in the SDN 02 Sawangan Depok.This research uses a quantitative approach. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 30 students as respondents. Test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire in this study using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program with type 21.00.The results showed that 1) based on the results of the rating scale analysis test obtained a questionnaire value of 1150 with intervals ranging from 1081-1440. This means that the application of the work discipline of teachers in SDN 02 Sawangan Depok in the category of "Very Good". 2) the application of student learning discipline in class IV at SDN 02 Sawangan Depok based on the results of the scalae rating analysis test obtained a questionnaire value of 1494 the interval ranged from 1441-1920, so it can be concluded student discipline in the SDN 02 Sawangan Depok in the category of "Very Good". 3) there is a significant influence between the teacher's work discipline on student learning discipline at SDN 02 Sawangan Depok which is supported by a correlation number of 0.409 bigger than rtable 0.374 at a significance level of 5% and also the results of the F test which show an Fcount of 5.617 bigger than Ftable of 4.20. Because the value of the correlation test shows rcount bigger than of rtable and the results of a simple regression test show that Fcount bigger than Ftable it can be stated that the hypothesis there is an influence between the teacher's work discipline variables on student learning discipline is accepted. While seen from the coefficient of determination (R) of 16.7% it is known that the influence between the teacher's work discipline variables on student learning discipline is 16.7% which is quite influential.


  • The purpose of this study are 1) knowing the application of the work discipline of teachers in SDN 02 Sawangan Depok, 2) knowing the application of student learning discipline in SDN 02 Sawangan Depok, and 3) knowing the effect of the teacher's work discipline on the learning discipline of fourth grade students in the SDN 02 Sawangan Depok

  • The results showed that 1) based on the results of the rating scale analysis test obtained a questionnaire value of 1150 with intervals ranging from 1081-1440

  • Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil (Study Dikantor Dinas Sosial Provinsi Jawa Tengah)

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Guru sebagai pendidik harus mampu menjadikan dirinya sebagai teladan. Teladan dalam hal ini bukan berarti guru harus menyerupai dirinya sebagai teladan. Hal ini berarti bahwa penerapan disiplin kerja guru di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Sawangan 02 Depok dalam kategori “Sangat Baik”. Disiplin kerja guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri Sawangan 02 Depok yang diketahui dalam kategori “Sangat Baik” dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Sementara itu penerapan disiplin belajar siswa kelas IV di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Sawangan 02 Depok berdasarkan hasil uji analisa rating scalae diperoleh nilai angket sebesar 1494 dengan interval berkisar antara 1441-1920, sehingga dapat disimpulkan disiplin Belajar siswa kelas IV di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Sawangan 02 Depok kategori “Sangat Baik”. Adanya rasa kesadaran diri untuk melakanakan disiplin belajar pada siswa di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Sawangan 02 Depok didukung oleh beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi disiplin belajar yaitu faktor internal, faktor eksternal dan faktor pendekatan belajar. Adapun untuk mengetahui pengaruh disiplin kerja guru terhadap disiplin belajar siswa, penulis mengadakan penyebaran angket kepada 30 orang siswa sebagai responden dengan hasil jawaban sebagaimana dalam tabel frekuensi sebagai berikut

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