
Media is one of the tools to facilitate the teacher in delivering the material, so that students easily and quickly understand the material presented. For that the author designed the learning media using Adobe Flash CS 6 program to learn to know numbers and counting. Type of research used is experiment. As for the population is suluruh students of Islamic Kindergarten Masythah Bukittinggi, sampling technique is a technique of Purposive Sampling. Technique of data collecting is done by test result of student learning, that is doing normality test and homogeneity test result obtained by t test, based on result of analysis of t test diole = 3,62> from t table 1,66 at the real level = 0, 05 means Ha accepted, means there are differences in student learning outcomes by using instructional media design and by using conventional methods. Data obtained by student learning result by using learning media design better than student learning result with conventional method. The average learning outcomes of the students in the experimental class were 80.73 with the standard deviation of 12.56, while the control class was 69.39 with the standard deviation of 12.74. From the test results of coefficient of determination that there is influence of learning media design based on Macromedia Flash to student learning result is 88,60%.

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