
Palu Valley shallot production is still very low namely 5.31 tonnes/ha when compared to national production which reaches 9.7 tonnes/ha, this is due to the attack of the base stem rot disease caused by Fusarium oxsyporum f.sp. cepae. This study aims to determine the effect of various types of organic fertilizer decomposed by Trichoderma virens on the incidence of stem rot disease and shallot yields. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Pests and Plant Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University, and shallot planting in Oloboju Village, Sigi Biromaru District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province and lasted from March 2018 to August 2018. This research used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with five treatments consisting of, without organic fertilizer (B0), cow manure 10 tons/ha + Trichoderma virens 100g/L (B1), chicken manure 10 tons/ha + T. virens 100g/L (B2), goat manure 10 tons/ha + T. virens 100g/L (B3), and petrogenic 5 tons/ha+ T. virens 100g/L (B4). The results showed that the use of 10 tons/ha cow manure decomposed by T. virens (B1) can reduce the intensity of stem rot disease on the Palu Valley shallot which is 5.61% to be 1.88% (3rd week) and 2.89% to be 0.98% (7th week), and increase shallot yield from 4.09 tons/ha to be 7.48 tons/ ha.


  • Palu Valley shallot production is still very low namely 5.31 tonnes/ha when compared to national production which reaches 9.7 tonnes / ha, this is due to the attack of the base stem rot disease caused by Fusarium oxsyporum f.sp. cepae

  • This study aims to determine the effect of various types of organic fertilizer decomposed by Trichoderma virens on the incidence of stem rot disease and shallot yields

  • The results showed that the use of 10 tons/ha cow manure decomposed by T. virens (B1) can reduce the intensity of stem rot disease on the Palu Valley shallot which is 5.61% to be 1.88% (3rd week) and 2.89% to be 0.98% (7th week), and increase shallot yield from 4.09 tons/ha to be 7.48 tons/ ha

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Variabel pengamatan yaitu intensitas

Sebelum tanam benih bawang merah serangan penyakit busuk pangkal batang dan terlebih dahulu diseleksi dengan cara memilah hasil bawang merah. Pengamatan intensitas benih yang baik, selanjutnya benih ditanam serangan penyakit dilakukan setiap minggu satu benih dengan jarak tanam 15 cm x 20 cm, mulai minggu ke-3 sampai dengan minggu ke-7 sehingga perpetak terdapat 66 tanaman. Pemupukan Pemberian pupuk organik 1 minggu sebelum tanam pada tanaman bawang merah sesuai dengan dosis perlakuan, kemudian diberikan pupuk susulan yaitu T. virens dengan konsentrasi 100 g/L satu minggu setelah tanaman, dengan interval aplikasi 7 hari sekali sebanyak 5 kali aplikasi. : Intensitas serangan penyakit n : Jumlah tanaman yang diamati v : Nilai skor untuk kategori tiap kerusakan. Cara pemberian skor dilakukan sebagai berikut: Skor 0 : Tidak ada kerusakan pada daun tanaman yang diamati

Data pengamatan kejadian penyakit
American Journal of Experimental
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