
This research aims to investigate the effect of organizational culture and job motivation as independent variables toward the teacher’s work productivity of state junior high school teachers as dependent variable, both individually and collectively.
 Among 60 senior high school teachers were surveyed and 52 respondent were selected as samples for the research. Normality, homogenity,linearity, multiple regression,and multiple correlation are several data analysis method that were used in this research using the SPPS 21.0 program for Windows.The result of this research imply that: Firstl, a positive and significant effect was found Teacher’s Work Productivity by Organizational Culture and Job Motivation collectivelly and expressed in coefficient correlation ry1.2 = 0,672 (a = 0,05) and regression equation as Y = 43,0378 + 0,603 X1 + 0,273 X2 and determination coefficient is r2y1.2 = 0,451.Secondly, a positive and significant corelation was found Organizational Culture toward Teacher’s Work Productivity can be found and expressed in hypothesis testing that the value of Sig = 0.000 and t = 5.767, while t table = 2.021. Because the value of Sig <0.05 and tcount > ttable, H0 is rejected, it means that there is a significant effect of the independent variable X1 (organizational culture) on the dependent variable Y (Teacher’s Work Productivity). Thirdly, this research also found that there is a positive and significant corelation was found Job Motivation toward Teacher’s Work Productivity can be found and expressed in the hypothesis testing, it was obtained that the value of Sig = 0.000 and tcount = 3.881, while ttable = 2.021. The value of Sig <0.05 and tcount > ttable, so H0 is rejected, it means that there is a significant effect of the independent variable X2 (job motivation) toward the dependent variable Y (Teacher’s Work Productivity).
 According to result of this research that improvement of Teacher’s Work Productivity can be in creased by Organizationalal Culture and Job Motivation interest.


  • Dalam suatu organisasi sekolah, guru memegang peranan penting

  • This research aims to investigate the effect of organizational culture and job motivation as independent variables toward the teacher’s work productivity of state junior high school teachers as dependent variable, both individually and collectively

  • Among 60 senior high school teachers were surveyed and 52 respondent were selected as samples for the research

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Irfan Mujahidin

Guru memegang peranan penting. Guru mempunyai kedudukan dan peranan penting terhadap efektivitas dan produktivitas organisasi sekolah. Masih banyak dijumpai para guru yang tidak melaksanakan tugastugas mereka dengan baik sesuai dengan harapan sekolah sehingga menyebabkan merosotnya semangat dan produktivitas kerja yang pada akhirnya akan berpengaruh terhadap output organisasi sekolah secara keseluruhan. Pembinaan dan pengembangan guru merupakan suatu usaha yang penting dalam suatu lembaga atau organisasi sekolah untuk meningkatkan semangat kerja dan produktivitas kerja guru. Di dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerja bagi seorang guru, terlebih dahulu harus diciptakan suatu kondisi sekolah yang kondusif atau menguntungkan, dengan kondisi yang menguntungkan tersebut, sekolah akan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pokok manusia (basic personal needs). Apabila tidak segera dicari cara penanggulangannya secara tepat keadaan tersebut akan mengakibatkan dampak yang besar dan menimbulkan hambatan dalam peningkatan produktivitas organisasi dan kualitas pendidikan sekolah. Berdasarkan kutipan-kutipan tersebut di atas, kita dapat melihat bahwa budaya organisasi dan motivasi kerja guru, akan mempengaruhi produktifitas kerja

Motivasi Kerja Guru
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Sum of
Motivasi Kerja
Mean Square
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