
ABSTRACT C hatime is o ne o f beverage products are drinks m ade f rom tea b yaddinga special ingredient, w h i ch is bubble. Thewell-known b rand i m age, good product quality and competitive prices make Chatime beverage products rankedfirstin Bubble D rink sales. This study a i m s to determine and analyze the effect of Brand Image, P roduct Q u ality and Price on t h e Purchase D ecision o f C hatime beverage products in Transmart Rungkut Surabaya. The population of t h i s researchis all c onsumers of C hatime f rom Surabaya. Samples w ere taken a s m any as 100 people based on p urposive sampling m ethod. There sults showed that Brand I m age and Price hada positive and s i gnificant e f f ecton Purchasing Decisions. While the Product Q uality does not s i gnificantly influence Purchasing Decisions. Because of the product q uality is recognized as good so it does not a ff e ct t he purchase decision. This study a l so explained t hat t he Purchasing D ecision i n fl u enced t he m odel by 25.8% w hile t h ere m a i n i ng 74.2% w as i nfluenced by v ariables or o t her f a ctors n ot examined inthisstudy. For example t he p romotion v ariable, service quality, location, franschise atmosphere, product q uality, product variation and other variables. Keywords:Brand Image, Product Quality, Price,Purchase Decision

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