
This study attempts to understand the implementation of the brand trust to PT. JNE Bandung, do respondents on the implementation of the brand trust to PT. JNE Bandung, how customer loyalty PT. JNE Bandung and how influence brand trust to customer loyalty. Research methodology used is a method of surveying. The kind of research carried out is verifikatif. Technique the sample used is a technique non probability of sampling. Population in this research is consumers PT. JNE Bandung. Samples to be taken is consumers PT. JNE Bandung by the number of 100 respondents. Technique data collection used is guidelines the questionnaire. The method of analysis the data used was regression analysis linear simple to know of the relations between variables independence and dependent variable. Done the testing of hypotheses by using table distribution t of the calculation on and later retrieved value t count is greater than the table t ( 17,040 > 1,984 ) which means H0 were rejected and Ha received which means that trust a brand or brand trust significantly have the effect on customer loyalty and hypothesis advanced by writer, namely ”brand trust have had a positive impact on customer loyalty jne the branch of the city of bandung”, acceptable.

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