
 The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of brand ambassadors and Digital marketing on purchasing decisions of Madurasa in East Medan District. The research method used was exploratory research, where variables were measured using a Likert scale. Methods of data collection is done by interview (interview), with a list of questions (questionnaire) and study documentation. The population in this study were all Madurasa consumers in the East District. which totaled 89 people. Sampling using saturated sampling method or better known as a census. In this study, the population was relatively small, namely 89 people. Processing data using SPSS software version 23, with descriptive analysis and hypothesis testing multiple regression analysis. The results of the study show that: (1) partially the brand ambassador variable influences the purchasing decision of Madurasa in East Medan District; (2) partially the Digital marketing variable influences the purchasing decision of Madurasa in the East Medan District; (3) simultaneously there is a positive and significant influence between brand ambassador and Digital marketing variables on Madurasa purchasing decisions in East Medan District
 Keywords: brand ambassador, Digital marketing, purchase decision

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