
This research aims to determine: 1) the effect of the comparison of the use of husk charcoal growing media with soil on the growth of pakcoy plants, 2) the effect of the application of liquid organic fertilizer (SO-Kontan Fert) on the growth of pakcoy plants, 3) the effect of a combination of rice husk planting media with soil and POC (SO-Kontan Fert) application to the growth of pakcoy plants. This research was conducted from January to March 2020 at the screen house of Melung Village, Baturraden District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java and the Agronomy and Horticulture Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University, with Andisol soil types. The experimental design used was a completely randomized block design (RAKL) with a 2-factor factorial design. The first factor is husk charcoal (M), namely, M0 = without husk charcoal, M1 = soil + husk charcoal (1: 1), M2 = soil (2: 1), soil + husk charcoal (3: 1). The second factor is the concentration of POC SO-Kontan Fert (P), namely, P0 = 0 ml POC SO-Kontan Fert / Lt water, P1 = 5 ml POC SO-Kontan Fert / Lt water, P2 = 10 ml POC SO-Kontan Fert / Lt water, P3 = 15 ml POC SO-Kontan Fert / Lt water. Results of the research showed that giving husk charcoal to pakcoy plant media at a ratio of 3: 1 was able to increase plant height by 47.19 cm and leaf length by 26.13 cm ,. A ratio of 2: 1 can increase leaf greenness by 2.8 units. The application of liquid organic fertilizer (SO-Kontan Fert) with a concentration of 5 ml / l was able to increase the number of leaves by 6.59.


  • This research aims to determine: 1) the effect of the comparison of the use of husk charcoal growing media with soil on the growth of pakcoy plants, 2) the effect of the application of liquid organic fertilizer (SO-Kontan Fert) on the growth of pakcoy plants, 3) the effect of a combination of rice husk planting media with soil and POC (SO-Kontan Fert) application to the growth of pakcoy plants

  • This research was conducted from January to March 2020

  • The second factor is the concentration of POC SO-Kontan Fert

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Kebutuhan hasil pertanian semakin meningkat seiring jumlah penduduk yang semakin meningkat. Dalam upaya pemenuhan unsur hara, budidaya tanaman sayuran, khususnya pakchoy masih menggantungkan pemberian pupuk kimia atau anorganik dengan dosis yang tinggi (Rosyida, 2017). Salah satu syarat media tanam yaitu mempunyai sifat fisik, kimia, dan biologi yang dibutuhkan tanaman. Upaya untuk meningkatkan kesuburan media tanam organik yaitu dengan cara menggunakan pembenah tanah seperti arang sekam yang bisa membantu proses perombakan bahan organik dan bisa memacu pertumbuhan tanaman, pemberian arang sekam mampu menghasilkan nilai tinggi pada variabel produksi tanaman baik bobot tanaman segar maupun bobot tanaman kering dengan perbandingan 3 : 2 bahan organik dan arang sekam (Suciati, 2018). Pemberian pupuk organik cair melalui daun memberikan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman lebih baik dari pada pemberian melalui tanah. Penelitiaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh perbandingan penggunaan media tanam arang sekam dengan tanah terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman pakcoy, 2) pengaruh aplikasi pupuk organic cair (SOKontan Fert) terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman pakcoy, 3) pengaruh kombinasi media tanam arang sekam dengan tanah dan aplikasi POC (SO-Kontan Fert) terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman pakcoy

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