
Nutmeg oleoresin is one of the nutmeg derivative products with high values produced from the extraction process. The conventional extraction process using maceration takes a long time so that it is less suitable for industries needs. This study aims to examine the UAE direct sonication method for increasing yield and quality of nutmeg eleoresin. Nutmeg with optimal maturity level were harvested, dried and milled into 60 mesh particle size. Nutmeg powder of 200 g was placed in beaker glass filled with etanol 800 ml (material and solvent ratio 1:4) and UAE was carried out using a sonicator with a frequency of 20 kHz and power of 700 W. Four ultrasound amplitude levels (45, 60, 75, 90%) and four levels of extraction time (30, 45, 60, 75 minutes) were taken as UAE treatments. Extraction using maceration at room temperature for 7 hours was done as control. The results showed that the greater the amplitude of the ultrasound, the higher the yield of nutmeg oleoresin. The longer the extraction time, the higher the yield of nutmeg oleoresin. Ultrasonic assisted extraction can increase nutmeg oleoresin yield by 11 to 52% and faster time (<= 1,25 hour) than maceration extraction method (7 hours).


  • Indonesia kaya akan tanaman rempah antara lain pala yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi

  • This study aims to examine the UAE direct sonication method for increasing yield and TXDOLW\ RI QXWPHJ HOHRUHVLQ 7KH IXOO\ PDWXUHG QXWPHJ VL[ PRQWKV ROG DIWHU ÀRZHULQJ ZHUH KDUYHVWHG GULHG DQG PLOOHG LQWR PHVK SDUWLFOH VL]H 1XWPHJ SRZGHU RI J ZDV SODFHG LQ EHDNHU JODVV ¿OOHG ZLWK etanol 800 ml (material and solvent ratio 1:4) and UAE was carried out using a sonicator with a frequency RI N+] DQG SRZHU RI : )RXU XOWUDVRXQG DPSOLWXGH OHYHOV DQG IRXU OHYHOV RI extraction time (30, 45, 60, 75 minutes) were taken as UAE treatments

  • The results showed that the greater the amplitude of the ultrasound, the higher the yield of nutmeg oleoresin

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Ucapan Terima Kasih

Redaksi Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para Mitra Bebestari yang telah menelaah naskah pada penerbitan Vol 8, No 2 Agustus 2020. Ucapan terima kasih disampaikan kepada: Dr Leopold O. S.TP, M.Si (Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, IPB University), Prof.Dr.Ir. Usman Ahmad, M.Agr (Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, IPB University), Dr.Ir. Soni Solistia Wirawan, M.Eng (BPPT), Prof.Dr.Ir. Sutrisno M.Agr (Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, IPB University), Ir. Siti Mariana Widayanti, M.Si, (Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian), Dr.Ir. Lilik Pujantoro, M.Agr (Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, IPB University)

Bahan dan Metode
Pengaruh Amplitudo Ultrasonik dan Waktu Ekstraksi
Hasil dan Pembahasan
Kode Sampel L
Komponen Penyusun
Daftar Pustaka
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