
The reaserch examine about the influence of free cash flow and set of infesmnet opportunities toward company value with dividend policy as moderation variable the reaserch aim is to find out a) the influence of free cash flow toward company value b) the influence invesment opportunities set toward company value c) whether the dividend policy is able to mederate the influence of free cash flow toward company value d) whether the dividend policy is able to mederate the influence invesment opportunities set toward company value, the reaserch sample is manufacturing company which listed in indonesia stock exchange period of 2012-2016, sample received trough sample survey based on criterion detemined thus, obtained 15 companies become sample data analysis use simple linier regression analysis on hypothesis 1 and 2 later, double regression with modertated with moderated regression analysis method (MRA) for hypothesis 3 and 4. Reaserch result shows that free cash flow have a positive influence toward company value, invesment opportunites set have possitive influence toward company value while moderated regression analysis (MRA) shows that dividend policy weaken the influence between free cash flow and company value, and dividend policy also weaken the influence between invesment opportunites set and company value.
 Keyword : Free cash flow, set of invesment opportunites, dividend policy, company value.

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