
Learning outcomes are the ability to understand the learning that students have after going through the teaching and learning process that previously did not know to know, which previously could not become able. Based on the results of pre-research at SDN Kutajaya I Tangerang Regency, results were obtained that showed that the results of students' mathematics learning were very low. This study aims to determine the Effect of Space Building Net Props on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class V Students of SDN Kutajaya I Tangerang Regency. This research was motivated by the lack of use of learning aids so that students lack interest and are active in the learning process. This research uses experimental quantitative methods, Quasi Experimental Design type Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population of this study is all grade V students of SDN Kutajaya I Tangerang Regency totaling 60 students. The sampling technique used is Simple Random Sampling. The results of hypothesis testing with a t test at the end of learning (posttest) in the control class and experimental class were obtained tcount = 9.94 with a significance level of 95% (∞ = 0.05) obtained ttable = 2.001 because 9.94 > 2.001 (tcount > ttable) then Ho was rejected. The result of this study is that there are differences in student Mathematics learning outcomes between students who use teaching aids to build space nets and students who do not use teaching aids. The application of teaching aids in Mathematics learning can make students interested in the learning, and play an active role during learning.

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