
The Pentecostal Church was originally thought to be a movement. It is said to be a movement, because at first the Pentecostal church emphasized life experiences. Seeing this, the theologians say that the Pentecostal church does not have a theology which is, how theology is christian, logical, and systematic. In later developments, the Pentecostal church was accepted among denominations of Christian churches in general and standardized the doctrines of the Pentecostal church in the form of Pentecostal theology. So that Pentecostal theology can be taught and studied by Pentecostal people and denominations of non-Pentecostal churches. In this article, the author brings up some of the core thoughts of Pentecostal theology, namely the Bible, the living and true God, salvation, baptism, tongues, holy communion, holiness of life and holistic behavior, divine healing, eschatology, church, and worship and liturgy.


  • TO PENTECOSTAL THEOLOGY PENGANTAR TEOLOGI PENTAKOSTABobby Kurnia Putrawan Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Ekumene Jakarta AbstractThe Pentecostal Church was originally thought to be a movement

  • Seeing this, the theologians say that the Pentecostal church does not have a theology which is

  • the Pentecostal church was accepted among denominations of Christian churches

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Leo Immanuel

Orangtua dan Teman Bermain terhadap Perkembangan Sosial Anak Sutrisno, Christiani Hutabarat. Ajaran Gnostik dalam Jemaat Efesus di Surat Timotius dan Titus Imron Widjaja, Horanus Josua Simanjuntak, Susanti Embong Bulan. Spiritualitas Gereja Persahabatan: Konsep Bergereja dalam Konteks Dunia Yang Serba Terhubung

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