
This study aimed to analyze the level of learning interest and Arabic speaking ability of students in Islamic Junior High School. This research method was quantitative with a survey approach. The study was conducted at Islamic Junior High School 2 central Lampung. S ampl es of this study w ere 52 students of grade VIII. The data collection method used a questionnaire and test. The questionnaire method was aimed to students to get data on the level of students’ interest in learning Arabic and the test method was used to get data on the level of students' Arabic speaking ability. The data analysis technique was descriptive quantitative. The results showed that the level of student interest in learning Arabic was low and the level of ability to speak Arabic was less. Low of interest and speaking ability due to the students' learning environment that was not conducive. The learning environment did not support in increasing speaking ability. The lack of support from the environment would cause a sense of disinterest of students in the Arabic learning process. So that the goal of increasing interest in learning and speaking ability would not be achieved.


  • The results showed that the level of student interest in learning Arabic was low and the level of ability to speak Arabic was less

  • Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA, 6(1), 35–43

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Keterangan Sangat Tinggi

Tingkat Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Arab Siswa Di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Kemampuan atau keterampilan dalam belajar menjadi salah satu kemampuan yang perlu dikuasai oleh siswa dalam proses belajar. Siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berbahasa akan mudah saat berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan seseorang dan memudahkan seseorang yang ingin menyampaikan informasi baik secara lisan langsung atau tulisan. Kemampuan berbicara ini sangat penting untuk dikuasai karena dalam sehari-hari siswa akan bertemu banyak orang dan berinteraksi satu sama lain terutama pada saat pembelajaran bahasa Arab siswa harus aktif dan terampil dalam berbahasa Arab. Hasil analisis data test pada 52 siswa menunjukkan minat belajar bahasa Arab siswa adalah berada pada rata-rata 61.03 yang berada pada rentang

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Berbicara Mahasiswa Pgsd Dalam Perkuliahan Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Konservasi
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