
Abstract, Thematic learning is learning that uses themes. One theme for several subjects. In this 2013 curriculum integrated thematic learning is designed. It means theme-based learning with several subjects in it. Student books and teacher books are currently one social studies subject with PPKn at the Primary School level. Learning that applies the 2013 curriculum teachers are required to be more active and creative. Teachers who only apply one strategy and one method are not enough. Especially thematic which intersects with PPKn, IPS, and Indonesian Language material, sometimes still traditional, such as lectures, memorization, and assignments, summarizes and only works on problems. With this, children are not invited to interact in two directions, let alone find their own concepts (inquiry). This kind of learning will affect the motivation and student learning outcomes. From the data on the initial learning outcomes of VIA grade students at SDIT Al-Uswah Tuban, the students' completeness score was only 61% and the class average was 74.65 even though the class was declared to have been completed if it received 85%. The existence of such problems, the authors find a drug or formulation in the form of a strategy, this strategy is SPBAS or learning strategies that are activity oriented students using group discussion methods. Research on the application of SPBAS with group discussion methods in improving student learning outcomes at Theme 8 (My Earth) class 6A SDIT Al Uswah Tuban is focused on two issues. First Does the application of SPBAS with group discussion methods help to improve student learning outcomes in theme 8 (my earth) sub-theme 1 (difference in time and influence) of the VIA SDIT Al Uswah Tuban class? and second Is the application of SPBAS with group discussion methods able to increase motivation and learning activities of VIA SDIT Al Uswah Tuban class students? This study aims to determine the success of SPBAS implementation on theme 8 (my earth) sub-theme 1-time difference and influence and to know motivation and student activities in thematic learning theme 8 sub-theme 1. This research is classroom action research with interview instruments, observations, tests, and questionnaires. Interviews were carried out before the study was conducted. Observations were made to find out the validation of the interview results. Tests are given to students with two cycles, namely when completing learning cycle and cycle II. While the questionnaire was given at the end of learning on theme 8 of sub-theme 1 with the application of SPBAS with group discussion methods. The result, the average grade of students in cycle 1 was 74.65 and the completeness of the class 61% while in the second cycle indigo the class average was 85.83 and the completeness of the class was 87% and students were sufficiently motivated to be active in the learning process. The authors concluded that the application of SPBAS with group discussion methods greatly helped improve student learning outcomes in learning theme 8 (my earth) sub-theme 1 (time difference and influence). As with the Chinese proverb I hear then forget, see then know, do then understand. The author suggests classroom teachers to apply SPBAS with group discussion methods in each classroom learning. Keywords: SPBAS with Group Discussion Method and Student Learning Outcomes

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