
Coffee farmers as Green MSMEs can apply SDG-based global value chains (GVC) in order to open up a wider share of the export market. During the 2009-2018 period, there was a significant decline in the share of Indonesia's coffee exports, but on the other hand, the impact on the formation of the GDP of plantation crops seemed insignificant. The study attempts to map this problem by analyzing the relationship between the variables that play a role in the formation of GDP (as the dependent variable), namely the volume of coffee production, the export value of coffee, the export price of coffee, and the MSME investment credit during the 2009-2018 period. This research uses a quantitative based approach to obtain multiple linear regression models that can map research problems. Based on statistical tests, the research variables have a positive and significant contribution to the increase in the GDP of plantation crops. The implication of the results is the trend of declining exports substituted by the booming demand for coffee in the country supported by MSME investment credit. The application of GVC can be one strategy to increase the share of coffee exports again.


  • in order to open up a wider share of the export market

  • there was a significant decline in the share of Indonesia's coffee exports

  • the impact on the formation of the GDP of plantation crops seemed insignificant. The study attempts to map this problem by analyzing the relationship between the variables that play a role in the formation

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Penerapan Rantai Nilai Global Sebagai Strategi Peningkatan Ekspor Produk Kopi

Petani kopi sebagai UMKM Hijau dapat menerapkan rantai nilai global (GVC) berbasis SDGs agar dapat membuka pangsa pasar ekspor yang lebih luas. Periode 2009-2018, terjadi penurunan pangsa ekspor kopi Indonesia secara signifikan, namun di sisi lain dampaknya pada pembentukan PDB tanaman perkebunan tampak tidak signifikan. Penelitian berusaha memetakan permasalahan tersebut dengan menganalisis hubungan antara variabel yang berperan pada pembentukan PDB (sebagai variabel dependen), yaitu volume produksi kopi, nilai ekspor kopi, harga ekspor kopi, dan kredit investasi UMKM selama periode 2009-2018. Berdasarkan uji statistik, diketahui variabelvariabel penelitian berkontribusi positif dan signifikan pada peningkatan PDB Tanaman Perkebunan. Implikasi dari hasil adalah trend penurunan ekspor tersubtitusi booming permintaan kopi di dalam negeri yang didukung kredit investasi UMKM. Penerapan GVC dapat menjadi salah satu strategi untuk meningkatkan kembali pangsa ekspor kopi. Kata Kunci: Rantai Nilai Global, Strategi, Peningkatan Ekspor, Produk Kopi

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Harga Saham Kelompok Jakarta Islamic Index
Research in Economics and Management
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