
This study aims to improve communication skills, in learning conversation(kaiwa) in Japanese language student of teacher training and education faculty Riau University.Many conversation exercises are only focused on practising sentence pattern and memorizing ofconversation examples contained in the textbook. Thus learning pattern causes learners not to beable to express what they want to convey in the real scope of communication in Japaneselanguage. This study tries to overcome the problem by implementing project work inconversation lectures. The purpose of this study is to see the involvement of learners in thelectures using project work and find out their opinions about the method. The data of this studywere 44 students of Japanese Language Education Study Program of Teacher Training andEducation Faculty Riau University. From the result of the study, it was seen that during theproject work implementation the learners were actively involved in learning even though theyexperience language barrier when communicating. From the result of the questionnaire thatasked about learners’ opinion, it was found that almost all learners had a positive impression ofthe project work on the Kaiwa 4 subject.


  • This study aims to improve communication skills, in learning conversation in Japanese language student of teacher training and education faculty Riau University

  • Learning pattern causes learners not to be able to express what they want to convey in the real scope of communication in Japanese language

  • This study tries to overcome the problem by implementing project work in conversation lectures

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Dini Budiani dan Merri Silvia Basri

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi, dalam pembelajaran percakapan (kaiwa) pada mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa Jepang FKIP UNRI. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dengan menerapkan project work dalam perkuliahan percakapan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat keterlibatan pembelajar dalam perkuliahan kaiwa menggunakan project work dan mencari tahu pendapat mereka tentang metode tersebut. Data penelitian ini adalah 44 orang pembelajar Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang FKIP UNRI yang mengambil mata kuliah Kaiwa 4. Dari hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa selama penerapan project work pembelajar terlibat secara aktif dalam pembelajaran walaupun seluruh percakapan berlangsung dalam bahasa Jepang. Pembelajar yang dalam perkuliahan biasa cenderung pasif pun berusaha untuk mengutarakan pendapatnya walaupun mereka mengalami hambatan kebahasaan saat berkomunikasi. Dari hasil angket yang menanyakan mengenai pendapat pembelajar, ditemukan bahwa hampir seluruh pembelajar memiliki kesan yang positif terhadap penerapan project work pada mata kuliah Kaiwa 4

PENDAHULUAN Berdasarkan hasil survei the Japan
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