
This research was motivated by the findings obtained by researchers at the time of observation in one of the primary schools Pasteur District Bandung City. The findings obtained by researchers are the low self-confidence of students during the learning process. This is evident from the results of observations that indicate that when teachers ask students tend to be quiet, not actively involved in the process of discussion and there are some students who dominate the class. This study aims to describe the application of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) learning model, describe the learning process that applied the TGT model, and to improve student learning activity using TGT model. This research was conducted by using Method Research Method Class Kemmis and Mc Taggart. The research method used in this research is qualitative research methods by describing the results of research in the form of descriptive. In the first cycle is still seen the low self-confidence of students is only about 58%. In cycle II seen a significant increase that is about 27% so that the students' self-confidence level to 87%. From the results obtained during the research cycle I and cycle II explained that the application of TGT model can improve student learning activities in primary schools.

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