
This study aimed to determine the increase in student learning outcomes in the domain of knowledge, skills, and attitudes by using problem-solving learning models. The method used is classroom action research through two learning cycles consisting of the stages of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. There was an increase in learning outcomes and the number of students who met the minimum completeness in the domain of knowledge seen from the average value of students in cycle 1 to cycle 2. The learning outcomes of students in the domain of skills from the observation were included in the sufficient criteria in cycle 1 and increased to be good criteria in cycle 2. Classical completeness based on the number of students in cycle 1 to cycle 2 has increased. The learning outcomes of students in the domain of attitudes through the results of observation data were included in the sufficient criteria in cycle 1 and increased to be good criteria in cycle 2. As well as an increase in completeness seen from the number of students in cycle I to cycle II. Based on these findings, this model can be used to improve the chemistry learning outcomes of students in class XI.


  • Dalam proses pembelajaran, belajar adalah proses seseorang untuk berubah baik dalam aspek pengetahuan, keterampilan, maupun sikap (Damopolii et al, 2018)

  • This study aimed to determine the increase in student learning outcomes in the domain

  • classroom action research through two learning cycles consisting of the stages of planning

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Hakikat Model Pembelajaran

Model pembelajaran adalah suatu perencanaan atau pola yang digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam merencakan pembelajaran di kelas (Joyce dkk., 2008). Menurut Sani (2012) kegiatan belajar di laboratorium dapat juga dijadikan sebagai wahana untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir melalui proses pemecahan masalah sehingga melatih peserta didik untuk belajar bagaimana caranya mempelajari sains. Karakteristik dari model pembelajaran problem solving berbasis eksperimen mengindikasikan bahwa model ini dapat membantu peserta didik dalam meningkatkan hasil belajarnya. Pembelajaran problem solving adalah suatu kegiatan yang didesain oleh guru dalam rangka memberi tantangan kepada peserta didik melalui penugasan atau pertanyaan. Hasil dari analisis awal digunakan sebagai dasar pengembangan pada tahap perencanaan tindakan

Perencanaan Tindakan
Pelaksanaan Tindakan
Sebelum Tindakan
Hasil Siklus I
Jumlah Peserta didik
Ketuntasan Klasikal
Rencana perbaikan
Hasil Siklus II
Peningkatan Hasil Belajar
Keterampilan Komunikasi Ilmiah Siswa
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