
Target of this research is to explain influence model study of Inquiry to increase� Skill Of Critical thinking, Understanding of Concept and of Psikomotor Student. Research method the used [is] Mixed Methods Research with desain the used [is] Control post-test pre-test group, namely perceive two selected group. Research Subyek [is] class student of X SMK, while research sampel [is] class student of X counted 71 student ( 2 class). Research instrument in the form of tes ability of critical thinking,understanding of conception and student psikomotor. Before instrument used to be test-drive to know validity, realibilitas, mount distinguishing energy and difficulty, except making of mask [do] not� [to] test-drive. Data collecting [pass/through] pre of tes and of pasca tes. Data analysis [done/conducted] with descriptive analysis and to test hypothesis� [to] test independent t. Before test of statistic, beforehand� [to] test assumption in the form of homogeneity and normalitas. Pursuant to data analysis and solution obtained. : ( 1)Applying of� model study of Inquiry have an effect on to uplifting of skill of critical thinking, understanding of concept and psikomotor [at] cell items [in] class of x SMK. Study executed [in] higher experiment class 27% compared to class of control. Result of improvement ( Gain) of[is understanding of experiment class student concept 0,3 [is] higher the than from class of control. Result of improvement ( Gain) skill of critical thinking [of] experiment class student 0,11 [is] higher the than class of control. : ( 2)Applying of model study of praktikum base on Inquiry can improve the understanding of student concept [at] cell items [in] class of X SMK. . ( 3).Applying of model study of Inquiry can uplift skill critical thinking [of] student [at] cell items [in] class of X SMK. : ( 4)Relation [among/between] variable study of praktikum base on inquiry ably critical thinking and understanding of student concept equal to 15 %.: ( 5)Presentase agreing to usage of model study of Inquiry equal to 79%, while the rest 21% expressing disagree to study of InquiryKeywords: Inquiry; Berpikir Kritis; Pemahaman Konsep; Psikomotor�

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