
This study uses an action research in implementing a ‘picture to picture’ model of cooperative learning in the teaching-learning of Social Sciences. The learning model can provide an opportunity for pupils to try and interpret the materials, ideas and opinions in line with their capability and potency through observation and interpretation media of images. The research was conducted to 25 of pupils grade 3 at the Primary School of Tanah Baru in Regency of Southeast Aceh in the school year of 2012/2013, with the subject matter regarding natural and artificial environments. As in knowing in teaching, Standard of Competency and Basic Competency of Social Science is full of materials with a wider and memorized scope. It causes lower achieving in learning at the school, showing by monthly test as its result of 83,34 percent pupils obtained the Minimal Passing Score. While only 16,67 percent of them reached Minimal Passing Score with the average score of 4,83. Based on the finding, it could be concluded that the ‘picture to picture’ model of cooperative learning impacts positively in elevating pupils achievement in learning marked by increasing in passing of learning on every cycle, such as 64.00 percent in the first , 76.00 in the second and 88.00 percent in the third cycle.


  • This study uses an action research in implementing a ‘picture to picture’ model of cooperative learning in the teaching-learning of Social Sciences

  • The learning model can provide an opportunity for pupils to try and interpret the materials, ideas and opinions in line with their capability and potency through observation and interpretation media of images

  • As in knowing in teaching, Standard of Competency and Basic Competency of Social Science is full of materials with a wider and memorized scope

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Belajar merupakan usaha yang dilakukan setiap manusia dalam rangka untuk mencapai sesuatu yang ingin dicapai. Model Picture to Picture adalah salah satu bentuk model pembelajaran kooperatif yang menonjolkan gambar sebagai alat bantu/media dalam mempelajari suatu bahan ajar yang diberikan agar siswa dapat aktif dan kreatif. Penyajian materi sebagai pengantar merupakan hal yang sangat penting diberikan oleh guru dengan tujuan mengarahkan siswa agar mencapai tujuan yang ditetapkan. Guru memperlihatkan beberapa gambar yang berhubungan dengan materi yang akan diajarkan dan menanyakan kepada siswa tentang nama, serta ciri-ciri benda yang ditunjukan. Dalam langkah ini guru haruslah dapat melakukan inovasi agar gambar yang menjadi media untuk model pembelajaran ini dapat menarik dan memotivasi siswa untuk memahami suatu konsep yang diajarkan. Siswa dalam kelompok mengamati gambar-gambar yang diberikan kepada guru. Langkah terakhir pada pembelajaran dengan model picture to picture adalah guru mengajak siswa untuk dapat bersamasama menyimpulkan materi yang dipelajari dengan kata-kata dan bahasa sendiri.

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