
This study aimed at improving learning outcomes and performance of physicalscience students. This study was an action research (classroom action research). The subjectat this study was the eleventh grade of TKB 2 students of SMKN 3 Singaraja in the semesterof academic year 2013/2014 which consisted of 19 male students. This study was conductedin two cycles with each cycle phase was planning, action, observation/evaluation, and reflection.The results of this study indicates that 1) There is an increase in scientific performanceof students where in the first cycle, the average value of scientific performance achieved bystudents is 77.37 with a high enough category, and in the second cycle it increases to 87.90which is categorized as high category; 2) There is an increase in student learning outcomesphysics where in the first cycle, the average value of the results achieved by students studyingphysics that is 73.00 while is the second cycle increased to 77.50. Classroom action researchis considered successful because it has reached the level of 94.7% completeness classical.

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