
This study aims to find out whether the Islamic credit cards is shariah compliant, and to find out what if al-muqassah is applied in Indonesia as an alternative model of Islamic credit cards. This study uses qualitative research methods with descriptive analysis. The object of research in this study is the Islamic credit cards model that already exists in Indonesia and the al-muqassah model. The sample in this study uses purposive sampling, namely officials from the Islamic credit card division at BNI Syariah Jakarta and DSN MUI Officials. Data Obtained from this study through interviews with relevant institutions and documentation. The results obtained from the study indicate that based on that the current Islamic Credit cards products are shariah compliant. Where the benefits provided by Islamic credit cards are in line with shariah objectives, namely maqasid dharuriyyah and maqasid hajjiyyah. However, based on the issue of shariah in the application of existing Islamic credit cards, development is still needed to improve the quality of products, especially from shariah aspects. As for the application of the al–muqassah model in Indonesia, it is very possible as long as it is supported by all parties.


  • Purpose- This study aims to determine the application of Islamic economic principles on Islamic credit cards and the use of the al-muqassah model as an alternative model for Islamic credit cards in Indonesia

  • Data obtained from interviews with officials from the Islamic credit card division at BNI Syariah Jakarta and DSN MUI

  • Finding- The results show that the existing Islamic credit card products and the benefits provided are in line with the objectives of Islamic economic principles, namely maqasid dharuriyyah and maqasid hajjiyyah

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Paper type Research paper

Tujuan- Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan kaidah ekonomi syariah pada kartu kredit syariah serta penggunaan model al-muqassah sebagai model alternatife kartu kredit syariah di Indonesia. Temuan- Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk kartu kredit syariah yang ada saat ini serta manfaat yang diberikan telah sejalan dengan tujuan kaidah ekonomi syariah, yaitu maqasid dharuriyyah dan maqasid hajjiyyah. Meningkatnya jumlah kartu kredit dan transaksi menggunakan kartu kredit secara umum, mengindikasikan bahwa meskipun semakin berkembangannya financial teknologi yang ada, kartu kredit tetap menjadi salah satu alat pembayaran yang masih banyak diminati masyarakat. Meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat muslim dalam melakukan transaksi keuangan yang sesuai dengan ajaran dan syariat Islam menjadi faktor penyebab peningkatan penggunaan kartu kredit syariah di Indonesia. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, peneliti tertarik untuk melihat kesyariahan model ini serta untuk mengetahui apakah model tersebut dapat diterapkan pada perbankan syariah di Indonesia sebagai model alternatif kartu kredit syariah

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