
The development of information systems has changed human activity, especially education. Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana has made changes by creating a website called SIASAT (Sistem Informasi Akademik Satya Wacana). SIASAT can be accessed by all UKSW communities, features include Student Registration, Course Registration, Study Card, Study Results, lecture schedules, transcripts, student activity, and book borrowing. Previous researchers said SIASAT was still lacking in standardization, so testing was carried out using ISO 9126 with functional and non-functional approaches, containing the characteristics of Functionality, Reliability, Usability, Efficiency, and Portability. The data collection process using Google Forms throughout 132 IT students and interviews with 2019 IT students. The Functional test result scored 80.8%, classified as “good”. Reliability testing can be declared reliable, with a value of 0.874, so exceeds the provision of 0.7. Validity testing results in a table of 0.171 "valid". Non-Functional Results on the Susceptibility Test obtained a “C” score of "medium risk". The Load Testing test got loading time results reaching 3 seconds and 158 MB of memory used "Enough". Stress test results and scalability "Less". The results of the efficiency test obtained a D score of "Less". The Compatibility Test results were very good because SIASAT can be accessed on different browsers. Functional aspects of the approach can be said to be "Good" and Non-Functional Aspects are said to be "Sufficient".

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