
Based on observations made by researchers, there are four problems that occur in the classroom, namely: the students are less enthusiastic in participating in historical lessons, students are less responsive when giving responses and answers, students are less active in asking and answering teacher questions and learning also still uses the approach teacher center. The method used is the method of researching classroom actions carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Jabung Timur class XII IPS 1. In the first cycle students have not implemented the brainstorming method properly but, after the researcher learned from the first cycle, among them the teacher provided motivation by giving rewards, and making media that attract students 'attention, the results are in the second third cycle, and in the four categories the ability to express students' opinions at a good level. Because students are enthusiastic in anticipating questions, looking for ideas or ideas, finding ideas and ideas, formulating opinions and proposing opinions in history learning.

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